
PHP Loops

Online resources

Key concepts to understand

  • Reasons to be mindful of infinite loops

  • while() Loops

  $a = 0;
  while($a < 10) {
    echo $a;
    $a = $a + 1;
  • for() Loops
  // Same behavior as the while loop
  for($a=0; $a < 10; $a++) {
    echo $a;
  • foreach() Loops
    • Used with arrays and loops through all elements in order
    • Each element is assigned to a temporary variable
  $colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple'];
  foreach($colors as $color) {
    echo $color;
* Associative arrays assign key and value to temporary variables
  $color_fruit = ['red' => 'apple', 'orange' => 'orange', 'yellow' => 'lemon', 'green' => 'lime', 'purple' => 'plum'];
  foreach($colors as $color => $fruit) {
    echo "{$fruit} is {$color}.";
  • continue, break
    • Continue skips immediately to the start of the next loop
    • Break immediately stops all looping
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